This year is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a day in which almost every country in the world now participates with celebrations and other events. It's going to look a lot different than previous ones, since COVID-19 and social distancing has put a damper on meeting together in public places. But there are still plenty of ways we can celebrate right from our own homes.
I recently saw a meme to the effect that, with the pandemic making its way around the planet, Mother Earth has sent us to our rooms to think about how we have been treating her. It's a bit tongue-in-cheek, giving us pause to consider how our actions have had a negative effect on this big blue ball we call home. Do you know what's really encouraging, though? In the span of three months, we've seen dramatic recovery: Los Angeles has clear skies once again, the canals in Venice are so clear you can see the fish, and India can see the Himalayas for the first time in 30 years. With each of us doing our small part, collectively we can make a big difference. Here is a list of ways you can participate right from your home.
Pick up litter. Since everyone is stuck in their homes for hours at a time, I’ve seen many more people taking socially distant walks with their families. You can accomplish two things at once by taking a bag with you and collecting any litter you see while out and about.
Plant a tree. Trees are the most important contributor to the health of our planet and ourselves by providing oxygen for us to breathe, improving air quality, and preserving soil and water levels that in turn allows other plants to grow for food. Current estimates show that 15 billion trees are cut down every year worldwide, and only 5 billion are planted. That’s a net loss of 10 billion trees annually! If you join The Arbor Day Foundation, they’ll send you 10 flowering trees for free and you won’t even have to step foot into a store.
Give your dollars a voice. Make a statement with your purchases by buying flowers and food grown locally. Doing so will take a big chunk out of your carbon footprint! Most people have an idea of how far their food travels before it arrives in a grocery store, but they aren't aware that almost 80% of flowers sold in the U.S. travel thousands of miles from other countries and are doused with huge amounts of pesticides so they can clear customs--adding up to a lot of bad juju for our planet. So join a CSA, visit your local farmer's market or frequent roadside stands as often as you can.
Start composting. Americans are huge food wasters; in fact, we throw away 14% of the food we buy! It is a common misconception that food scraps biodegrade harmlessly in our landfills, when in fact the sheer magnitude of garbage prevents the food from breaking down properly and instead it degrades into methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. Landfills are responsible for contributing over one-third of current methane gas emissions. So reduce the amount of food you waste, but if you must throw it away, compost it. The Environmental Protection Agency has a great plan for you to follow.
Involve the kiddos. It’s never too early to start teaching your children to respect the earth! Have them make signs to put in your windows to celebrate Earth Day, let them help plant your trees, pick up litter, or make a bug hotel and teach them the importance of bugs and how they help our planet.
Reduce your electricity consumption. All energy sources have an impact on our environment, and while some are obviously more harmful than others, even those that are renewable have an effect. Cutting down on the amount of electricity we use not only benefits our earth, though, it keeps more money in our pockets. So unplug electronic devices and lights when not in use, use LED bulbs, and don’t dilly dally in the shower. You can also replace your thermostat with a programmable one so you can set it back ten degrees when you’re away from home or sleeping. While you’re at it, set the temperature on your thermostat two degrees warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter. Chances are you won’t even notice the difference!
Participate in Earth Day 2020 Live! Earth Day is going digital this year, and it’s going to be a big one. You can follow along with all the festivities at Earth Day Live 2020.
I hope you found something that interests you! Remember, it's all about making changes one step at a time. If we all do our small share, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
Happy Earth Day everyone!